MERCY ON SLUMS -Let's Help Together

Well come to the MERCY ON SLUMS -Lets Help Together We are not following by religion or regional but we are following by HUMANITY. Please do support us to give gift of life to Gulf Indians and Children.

MERCY ON SLUMS -Let's Help Together

The saffron represents courage, sacrifice, patriotism, and renunciation.

MERCY ON SLUMS -Let's Help Together

The white is in the center, symoblizing the hope for Truth, Unity and Peace.

MERCY ON SLUMS -Let's Help Together

The green color shows the Indian culture, agriculture, Indian people and complete geographical history of our country. The color also tells about our relation to soil and our relation to environment.

MERCY ON SLUMS -Let's Help Together

Mercy On Slums Logo is made of Indian Flag color, Saffron, White and Green. Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa are included in our Logo.

Mercy On Slums -Let's Help Together..!


A Child is God's gift to the family. Each child is created in the special image and likeness of God for greater things to love and to be loved.

God told us, "Love your neighbors as yourself." So first we have to love ourselves rightly, and then love our neighbors. But how can we love ourselves unless we accept the way God has made us?

Many children are working in their childhood, roving through streets; Government is not doing much about this situation. Innocent children are lying on the roads and are forced by the circumstances to beg; every night they are not sure where they will spend it. There are children who are begging on the streets in the day and are spending their nights on the footpath. Most of them are naked without clothes and are collecting their food from the Garbage. Because of such circumstances, children are turning to robbery, joining underworld gangs and thus ruin their life. Since the underprivileged are living a very poor life their children are left with no choice.

We are the fortunate ones to have all kind of good things viz. education, food, shelter and all luxuries in life but such children cannot even think of basic necessity such as food. Any poor children who are interested in studies cannot think about it due to poverty.

Today’s youth:
Young boys and girls are addicted to sex, drugs, alcohol etc. to name a few. They are so much into these habits that they have become slaves to it. There are number of cases of young unmarried girls who give birth to children and then dump them in the garbage, to be eaten by stray dogs and if any survive only to beg on the streets.

Most of us think it is not our problem; with such attitude we will never be able to do things for others. We have to support such children, young people and others who need our support by way of providing the primary requirements such as food and clothes and thus give a better future for the poor children.

You can make a difference by Sponsoring a Child.

In today’s busy schedule people are busy in their own world, it might not be possible to help on individual level, but we surely can contribute a little and help such children…… remember each small drop counts.

Hence a small group of Indians in Gulf have gone a step ahead and started MERCY ON SLUMS by our compassion with the main aim to help the downtrodden, exploited, poverty stricken children and Gulf Indians.

How can YOU help?

In any event, your active participation is important. We would greatly appreciate if you pass this information to friends, acquaintances and colleagues so that you can help our MERCY ON SLUMS to become well known in the public. There are many ways that you can help. If you have a good idea or would like to participate actively in our work for the children in India, please contact us at one of the following addresses. We will gladly provide you with more detailed information.


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